Italy Europa Textile SRL BD LTD.

About us

About Italy Europa Textile SRL BD LTD.

Message From Our Chairman ITALY EUROPA TEXTILE S.R.L BD. LTD.

We, ITALY EUROPA TEXTILE S.R.L BD. LTD. Team has earned a good name in the field of TEXTILE sectors in ROMANIA . All these years of our journey we achieved good number of ORDERS in different sectors.

Our lists of foreign partners are quite enriched and the service we have rendered to our partners and clients are more than satisfactory. Our integrity, transparency and sincerity enable us to build long term relationship with our foreign/local partners. Our achievement proves our growth. We believe in Team Work, Let us join our hands and we grow together and fulfill our goals and vision.

Syed Kamal

Our Romanian team - Echipa noastră - Il nostro team

Romania production unit

Fabbrica in Romania

Production in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi construction worker training shed

Our training is taking place in this training facility and all our Bangladeshi construction workers have previously sustained a formation and training course.

Centrul de instruire a muncitorilor din Bangladesh

Centro d'istruzione dei lavoratori in Bangladesh